Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2019

The 2019 Dream

I (Pierre Godot) and we (Die Godots) havn't done any music since "Nacktschneckendisco" and "Miniaturen" ( ->
I fell asleep, and since I am the living part of Die Godots the Bandproject also sleeps. But I can hear the 80's Pierre shout: "Get up, you lazy pumpkinhead! You'll ruin my career! We've been waiting for too long! Make us great again! Compose a triangle symphony! Or maybe you can try a bowielike science fiction nonsens like Ziggy Stardust... even if you have to use a wig! We are germans, so it has to be electro syntho experimento... maybe something with robots... artificial intelligence and stuff, you know... that fits and they like it!"

Woke up drenched in sweat.

Uuh! What a nightmare!

Pierre Godot, 24th of October 2019